who is Nicholas Appert? what are his contributions towards food technology and canning process?? ( a short story)

Most of us do not know who is Nicholas Appert, what is the connection between him and food 

technology, so in this blog, I will try to explain in a simple form about Nicholas Appert and why is he 

related to food technology. Nicholas Francois Appert was born in France in 1749. he is known as 

father of canning and father of food technology, father of food preservation

In the early days, the food gets easily spoilt and no one doesn't know why it happens there are some

 ways to preserve food like salting but the taste of food changes easily and texture changes; the

 travelers and the military people suffered a lot due to this many people during their journey or voyage

 before reaching their destination died, also when the food gets spoilt the people wouldn't able to find

 out the reason and hence they consume the spoilt food and many diseases such as amoebiasis affect them often. 

In the 1800s The great warrior Napolean Bonaparte, a French ruler offered 12,000 Francs for the person

 who was capable of finding the best method for food preservation for his army. 

The information passed as a fire through the city and Appert was also interested in finding the best way

 for food preservation. 

he found the better way by taking the food product and letting it in a closely packed jar or tin and then

 they are sealed with a cork then placed inside a hot water bath (a vessel full of hot water). then the food

 is heated and then it is taken to long distances and the shelf life of the food is stable no texture changes

 no color changes no odor no taste changes happen in the food. 

Napolean was amazed by Appert's invention and he awarded him 12,000 Francs. after the event, Appert

 wrote a book on his invention and named the process CANNING


it is also known as APPERTIZATION.every food item has a different temperature of heating but the

 the only default is the food can only be used once since the can/jar once opened the food gets easily. 

This was a greater mystery than how the food got spoiled for many people at that time.
50 years after the invention of canning,  Louis Pasteur a French microbiologist; and father

 of pasteurization found out the contamination of the food is due to microbial attack. nowadays

 obviously, most of the ready-to-eat foods are canned foods. 

if we enter a supermarket we can easily find out that most of the products are canned products. for

 example, jam, pickles, soft drinks, canned fish, etc.. 


the new evolution of the canning method is held with big machines and big factories. the first step in 

modern canning method is as follows:
  1. filling the food material in the cans. the food is usually placed in Tinplates.
  2. add sugar or brine solution to the food material since it prevents microbial attack and enhances the flavor.
  3. to remember, the food should not be burnt and placed to a high heat.
  4. air is then removed from the can and sealed tightly. removal of air helps avoid the risk of oxidation during the storage and sealing process.
  5. the cans are then subjected to a high heat of generally 100 or 212 degrees Fahrenheit at high pressure.
  6. the primary causes of food spoilage are due to molds, bacteria, and fungi.
  7. then the cans are labeled and transported.
the canning method needs no preservatives and it can be stored for many years, nowadays there are 

many methods have evolved to preserve food items but all-time popular method is canning 

which is considered the best method.
